
Biochemistry is the branch of science which deals with the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular levels. It is a laboratory-based study that brings together biology and chemistry. It explains all the chemical processes taking place in the living cells.

The Department’s broad goal is to teach biochemistry to undergraduate students in a simple way to make them understand the scientific basis of the life process at the molecular level and orient them towards applying the knowledge acquired in solving clinical problems.

The Department of Biochemistry at MNR is a well-developed, well-maintained, and well-equipped department. It helps UG & PG students with their day- to- day chemical analysis needs, based on their syllabus. The department also manages the clinical lab (Clinical Biochemistry) in the hospital, where a range of biochemical tests are carried out for the patients.

Faculty Details

Sl. No. Name Qualification Designation Experience
1 Dr. D. Padmasree MD Prof. & HOD 14 Years
2 Dr. P. Naga Babu MSc(M), Ph.D Assoc. Prof 8 Years
3 Dr. Anurag Yadav MD Asst. Prof 6 Years
4 Dr. T. Manoj Kumar MSc(M) Asst. Prof 5 Years

Major Equipment

Sl. No. Name of the Equipment Co Name Model No Of Units
1 Electronic/Monopan Balance Dhona 200D 01
2 Centrifuge REMIC-85201
3 Balance, chemical/ordinary KeroyP Keroy P-1 K-5 02
4Water bathsSisco02
6 Hydrometer (0.700 to 1.00) Tel-Tru 02
7 Albuminometers 10
8 Glucometer AlereDV, Morepen, ArkayBG-03AUTO10
9 Thermometer LABDimple 10
10 Colorimeter EI31201
11 Hot air oven 14”x14”x14” (Electric) Sisco 01
12 Double Distillation apparatus - Glass 01
13 Centrifuge, medium speed, electric REMIC-85201
14Glassware likeAvailable
Pipette, Borosilicate 05
Beakers, Borosilicate 20
Wire gouge with asbestos,15
Centre hotplate,Warmex08
Stove, 02
Syringes, Dora 5
Burners, 8
Rubber tubing 32
Stands clamps, Victor Burette Clamps 10
Flash etc. 02
15 pH meter EI11201
Number of additional items availableDeluxe15*150MM 12*100MM
Test Tubes Chemical, Reagents, etc.
Total number of charts 21